Life is short,have fun!!!

Lifestyle, Travel & Photography. If you want a lifetime memory, take a photo.

My Fruit Jar #HealthySnack

Choosing to live healthy involves a lot of creativity, in order to keep yourself inspired and keep your morale high.

I made this fruit jar snack ,as part of my food for the day and took it along to the office, so instead of being tempted to go for a chocolate bar , sausage or meat pie you can always keep this handy in your office or home fridge.

You can always fill as many jars as possible with different fruits you like and they don’t take a lot of time to make.

This also motivates others around you to embrace the healthy lifestyle.





HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

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4 thoughts on “My Fruit Jar #HealthySnack

  1. I seriously need to start thinking of doing stuff like this. Nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for following me and I love how creative you are and the wonderful posts. I’ll be back to read more of it!!


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