Life is short,have fun!!!

Lifestyle, Travel & Photography. If you want a lifetime memory, take a photo.

Archive for the month “March, 2016”

Health Benefits of Red Rooibos Tea | Organic Facts

The health benefits of red rooibos tea are abundant. This form of tea has traditionally been popular due to its great taste and unique color, while also boosting the health of the body. Rooibos tea or red tea is a medicinal, herbal beverage that is acquired from the Aspalathus linearis bush plant that is found in South Africa.

Source: Health Benefits of Red Rooibos Tea | Organic Facts

The Top Four Cancer-Fighting Spices

It won’t be a bad idea adding these spices to your meals if you can. They may help in preventing other diseases too.

These cancer-fighting spices have powerful health benefits and were part of my daily regimen to heal cancer without chemo.

Source: The Top Four Cancer-Fighting Spices

I finally broke the 88kg ceiling !!!


I have been stuck on 88 kg for a long time now, at least for the past 6 months.

Each time I step on the weighing scale, I always come down disappointed as my body has refused to shed some extra kilos, despite my diet, exercise and discipline. I have not been to the gym in a while since I decided to make the best use of the summer sunshine.

So I had cause to go on a spiritual exercise for 3 days, fasting and praying and living on water and coconut water only, for a miracle which I have been looking up to God for. 

The result was amazing as I stepped on the scale on the 1st of March, you can’t believe it, and I clocked 84 KG !!!!!.




I am still basking in the euphoria of this new found weight and I am motivated to maintain it and probably hit 80 Kg by the end of the year.

It isn’t easy tho as I have been craving sweet things since I ended my fat. I hope this won’t be short lived

#HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange #Travel #Tourism #Photography

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