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Archive for the tag “CancerFightingFoods”

The Top Four Cancer-Fighting Spices

It won’t be a bad idea adding these spices to your meals if you can. They may help in preventing other diseases too.

These cancer-fighting spices have powerful health benefits and were part of my daily regimen to heal cancer without chemo.

Source: The Top Four Cancer-Fighting Spices

PomPawPine Smoothie

POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 008

I have been away from this blog for a while now, handling one of those life challenges that occupies all of your time and being.

While away, i stumbled on this smoothie recipe and decided to give it a go. I love the colour pink, which is the adopted colour for people going through breast cancers.

It came out quite nice and yummy, so you too should try it and kindly let me know what you feel about it..


¼ Pineapple

¼ Pawpaw/Papaya

1 pomegranate

1 Orange (juice)

1 Apple

½ Punnet of Strawberries.


The star fruit of this smoothie is the Pomegranate, which i hardly use, it is loaded with some awesome benefits listed below;


Image credit:



How to make your PomPawPine Smoothie.

  1. Make sure all the fruits are thoroughly washed and rinsed in water with a dash of white vinegar, if you are not using frozen fruits.
  2. Squeeze the juice from your orange and pour into the jug/cup of your blender/extractor.
  3. Cut the pawpaw/papaya and make sure the seeds are removed.
  4. Cut the pineapple
  5. Extract the pomegranate seeds from the shell under water.
  6. Add all fruits to the jug/cup of your blender/extractor.
  7. Blend all together for at least 60 seconds or until smooth.
  8. Allow to cool in the fridge or serve on ice.



POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 008POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 009POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 011POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 012POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 013POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 014#HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange #Travel #Tourism #Photography

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2016


Berrylicious #Smoothie


Berries are good fruits with low sugar and low calorie contents, they are good favourite for making smoothies and great snacks too.

Berries are also known be powerful antioxidants, hence my love for them.

This is the first time I used Blackberries in my smoothie and here are the health benefits below;

Supports the liver and kidneys

Helps treat gout

Supports healthy bowels

Balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Ingredients (frozen)

Blackberries – 1 cup

Strawberries- 1 cup

Raspberries – 1 cup

Goji Berries – 1 Tablespoon

Chia Seeds – 1 Tablespoon

Coconut or Almond Milk – 1- 2 cups (unsweetened)

How to make your berrylicious smoothie.

Pour all the ingredients into the cup of your blender/extractor.

Add 1-2 cups of either coconut or almond milk.

Blend for 60 seconds or until smooth to get that perfect mix and taste.

Serve in a cup and enjoy.

If you love or hate it, please kindly leave your comment in the comment section of this post.


HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015.

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