Life is short,have fun!!!

Lifestyle, Travel & Photography. If you want a lifetime memory, take a photo.

Archive for the tag “Lagos”

PomPawPine Smoothie

POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 008

I have been away from this blog for a while now, handling one of those life challenges that occupies all of your time and being.

While away, i stumbled on this smoothie recipe and decided to give it a go. I love the colour pink, which is the adopted colour for people going through breast cancers.

It came out quite nice and yummy, so you too should try it and kindly let me know what you feel about it..


¼ Pineapple

¼ Pawpaw/Papaya

1 pomegranate

1 Orange (juice)

1 Apple

½ Punnet of Strawberries.


The star fruit of this smoothie is the Pomegranate, which i hardly use, it is loaded with some awesome benefits listed below;


Image credit:



How to make your PomPawPine Smoothie.

  1. Make sure all the fruits are thoroughly washed and rinsed in water with a dash of white vinegar, if you are not using frozen fruits.
  2. Squeeze the juice from your orange and pour into the jug/cup of your blender/extractor.
  3. Cut the pawpaw/papaya and make sure the seeds are removed.
  4. Cut the pineapple
  5. Extract the pomegranate seeds from the shell under water.
  6. Add all fruits to the jug/cup of your blender/extractor.
  7. Blend all together for at least 60 seconds or until smooth.
  8. Allow to cool in the fridge or serve on ice.



POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 008POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 009POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 011POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 012POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 013POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 014#HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange #Travel #Tourism #Photography

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2016


Still can’t get my blogging mojo.



bulb_thinking_by_joanedesign-d50u5ywI know I haven’t been blogging as I ought to, which isn’t a good thing for my teeming fans out there who look forward to my blog posts.

For one reason or the other, one majorly being something quite personal, I am not really pumped up as I used to be.

I hope with my ongoing #Blogging101 course I will be able to pick up some inspirations and begin to make those healthy meals and smoothies again.

The good thing about today is that it is Friday and the weekend is right upon us, the sad thing is weekends don’t last like weekdays, they go quite fast and before we know it is Monday again !!!.

I am craving ‘Ponmo’, cowhide (skin of the cow), a delicacy which is slow cooked and then added to vegetables or stew sauce. I doubt if it has any nutritional value but it is quite sweet and yummy when left for some hours in the stew sauce. i am going just eat that this weekend and have fun.

I may share some pictures here if remember to take them as I almost finished the last one I cooked right on the cook stove.

Image credit

26 Bad Habits That Make You Fat | Eat This Not That

Tweak just a few of these everyday routines and you could be on your way to a leaner belly in no time!


Source: 26 Bad Habits That Make You Fat | Eat This Not That

PeaPineBan Smoothie

This is the first time i used peach in making a smoothie.

The flavor came out quite cool and i think i will do more of peaches as they good low-carb fruits.


Peach – 1 

Banana (ripe & peeled) – ½

Pineapple (diced or cubed)- 2 Cups

Almond milk – 1½ Cups

Cacao Nibs- 1 Tablespoon 

Steps to making your awesome PeaPineBan Smoothie.

  1. Make sure all the fruits are thoroughly washed, if you are not using frozen fruits.
  2. Add 1½ Cups of almond milk
  3. Add the peeled banana and pineapple.
  4. Add the diced peach.
  5. Add 1 tablespoon of cacao nibs.
  6. Allow this soak for at for at least 10 minutes to activate the cacao nibs.
  7. Blend all together for at least 60 seconds or until smooth.
  8. Allow to cool in the fridge or serve on ice.

Please the try this out and kindly leave your comments in the comment section of this post so I can know if you like it or not. 

HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

BaGrapCo Smoothie

Most of us look forward to Fridays because for most of us it is the last working day of the week.

Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 009

People involved in the #lifestylechange movement also look forward to Fridays, that is the day i cheat on my diet and treat myself to some sweet drinks and food which ordinarily i won’t have eaten during the week.

To kick-start the sweet therapy, i have made this smoothie just for you, i guarantee that you will love and enjoy it just as i did.

Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 009Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 010Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 015Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 013Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 014Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 012



Banana (ripe & peeled) – ½

Black Grapes – 1 Cup

Pineapple- 1 Cup

Mint – 2-3 Sprigs

Lemon (juice squeezed) – ½

Coconut Water – 1½ Cups

Chia Seeds- 1 Tablespoon (optional) 

Steps to making your awesome BaGrapCo Smoothie.

  1. Make sure all the fruits are thoroughly washed, if you are not using frozen fruits.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice into the cup of your blender/blender/extractor/juicer.
  3. Add 1½ Cups of coconut water
  4. Add the black/red grapes
  5. Add the peeled banana and pineapple.
  6. Add the mint leaves sprigs.
  7. Add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds.
  8. Blend all together for at least 60 seconds or until smooth.
  9. Allow to cool in the fridge or serve on ice.

Please the try this out and kindly leave your comments in the comment section of this post so I can know if you like it or not. 

HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

Spice up your water to drink more.

Water is life, it is essential for our bodies to function properly and it is also a key to losing weight.

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I made this for the 5th day of my detox program. This is actually bitter since it is for detoxing my body.

You can drink more water by using natural flavours, like fruits, vegetables and herbs. Spice up your water, treat yourself and the family to a nice time

You can use any other fruits and vegetables you like, the goal is to get you to drink more water than you usually do.

Ice Cubes



HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

My Fruit Jar #HealthySnack

Choosing to live healthy involves a lot of creativity, in order to keep yourself inspired and keep your morale high.

I made this fruit jar snack ,as part of my food for the day and took it along to the office, so instead of being tempted to go for a chocolate bar , sausage or meat pie you can always keep this handy in your office or home fridge.

You can always fill as many jars as possible with different fruits you like and they don’t take a lot of time to make.

This also motivates others around you to embrace the healthy lifestyle.





HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

Berrylicious #Smoothie


Berries are good fruits with low sugar and low calorie contents, they are good favourite for making smoothies and great snacks too.

Berries are also known be powerful antioxidants, hence my love for them.

This is the first time I used Blackberries in my smoothie and here are the health benefits below;

Supports the liver and kidneys

Helps treat gout

Supports healthy bowels

Balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Ingredients (frozen)

Blackberries – 1 cup

Strawberries- 1 cup

Raspberries – 1 cup

Goji Berries – 1 Tablespoon

Chia Seeds – 1 Tablespoon

Coconut or Almond Milk – 1- 2 cups (unsweetened)

How to make your berrylicious smoothie.

Pour all the ingredients into the cup of your blender/extractor.

Add 1-2 cups of either coconut or almond milk.

Blend for 60 seconds or until smooth to get that perfect mix and taste.

Serve in a cup and enjoy.

If you love or hate it, please kindly leave your comment in the comment section of this post.


HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015.

8 Best Foods for Instant Detox | Eat This Not That

Cleanse away the pounds, torture free, with these delicious foods that boast powerful detoxifying properties.

Source: 8 Best Foods for Instant Detox | Eat This Not That

Do You Like It Spicy? #Smoothie



Day 2 of my 5-day detox program, done and dusted. 3 days to go.

I have read some recipes with Cayenne pepper as one of the key ingredients used, so I decided to try that out today.

WARNING: If you cannot tolerate chili, please stay clear of this as it is absolutely hot!!! This smoothie will be very good in winter, to kick out the flu.


Lemon – 1

Lime – 1

Green Apple – 1

Cucumber – 1

Grapefruit – 1/2

Coconut Water – 2 Cups

Cayenne Pepper – 1 Teaspoon

Make sure you wash your fruits in water thoroughly adding a few drops of white vinegar to help kill any bacteria on the surface.

Add the ingredients to the cup of your extractor/juicer/blender.

Blend for 30 – 60 seconds or until smooth.

Allow to cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or more to enjoy it better.

Now give it a try and please kindy leave your feedback in the comment section of this blog.

HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015.

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