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Archive for the tag “Breast cancer”

PomPawPine Smoothie

POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 008

I have been away from this blog for a while now, handling one of those life challenges that occupies all of your time and being.

While away, i stumbled on this smoothie recipe and decided to give it a go. I love the colour pink, which is the adopted colour for people going through breast cancers.

It came out quite nice and yummy, so you too should try it and kindly let me know what you feel about it..


¼ Pineapple

¼ Pawpaw/Papaya

1 pomegranate

1 Orange (juice)

1 Apple

½ Punnet of Strawberries.


The star fruit of this smoothie is the Pomegranate, which i hardly use, it is loaded with some awesome benefits listed below;


Image credit:



How to make your PomPawPine Smoothie.

  1. Make sure all the fruits are thoroughly washed and rinsed in water with a dash of white vinegar, if you are not using frozen fruits.
  2. Squeeze the juice from your orange and pour into the jug/cup of your blender/extractor.
  3. Cut the pawpaw/papaya and make sure the seeds are removed.
  4. Cut the pineapple
  5. Extract the pomegranate seeds from the shell under water.
  6. Add all fruits to the jug/cup of your blender/extractor.
  7. Blend all together for at least 60 seconds or until smooth.
  8. Allow to cool in the fridge or serve on ice.



POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 008POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 009POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 011POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 012POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 013POmeApplepawpawPineapple smoothie 014#HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange #Travel #Tourism #Photography

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2016


US woman faked breast cancer for breast implants

A PHOENIX woman has been charged with fraud and theft after US authorities say she told people she had breast cancer and needed treatment so she could get money from them to buy breast implants.

Police reports filed in court say 27-year-old Jamie Lynn Toler told her former boss she needed a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction and was uninsured. She told the same tale to her mother and grandparents.

Authorities say Toler helped organise fundraisers and collected more than $8000 beginning in September.

Medical records obtained by police show she did not have cancer and paid a plastic surgeon with the cash.

Toler, who was arrested Wednesday, was released on bond on Thursday after a brief initial court appearance.

Source :The Daily Telegraph Australia

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