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Archive for the month “January, 2016”

Best Blenders for Smoothies –

Best Blenders for Smoothies: We review the best smoothie blenders from the high end Vitamix 5200 smoothie blender to the lower priced Oster Beehive smoothie maker.

Source: Best Blenders for Smoothies –

26 Bad Habits That Make You Fat | Eat This Not That

Tweak just a few of these everyday routines and you could be on your way to a leaner belly in no time!


Source: 26 Bad Habits That Make You Fat | Eat This Not That

18 Benefits Of Lemon You May Not Be Aware About | Idea Digezt

A glass of lemon juice contains less than 25 calories. It is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fiber. It also has medicinal values and antibacterial properties. It also contains traces of iron and vitamin A. Apart from these, there are also numerous benefits that we may haven’t heard about until now. Read on and experience the goodness of this fruit! 1. Relieve Indigestion and Constipation Lemons are little antibacterial powerhouses. Their bacteria-fighting properties destroy bad bacteria and allow good bacteria to flourish in the body, which can relieve indigestion and constipation. Sipping a warm glass of water mixed with the juice of one lemon can stimulate peristalsis, as well as the production of saliva and stomach acids that start the digestion process. 2. Balance Your Body’s pH According to the Ayurveda philosophy, we should always start our day by aligning our body with nature’s rhythms. This includes restoring the pH balance in our bodies

Source: 18 Benefits Of Lemon You May Not Be Aware About | Idea Digezt

17 Incredible Health Benefits of Onions

Onion is a magical remedy in your everyday kitchen which has countless benefits aiding several health issues as well supports growth

Source: 17 Incredible Health Benefits of Onions

PeaPineBan Smoothie

This is the first time i used peach in making a smoothie.

The flavor came out quite cool and i think i will do more of peaches as they good low-carb fruits.


Peach – 1 

Banana (ripe & peeled) – ½

Pineapple (diced or cubed)- 2 Cups

Almond milk – 1½ Cups

Cacao Nibs- 1 Tablespoon 

Steps to making your awesome PeaPineBan Smoothie.

  1. Make sure all the fruits are thoroughly washed, if you are not using frozen fruits.
  2. Add 1½ Cups of almond milk
  3. Add the peeled banana and pineapple.
  4. Add the diced peach.
  5. Add 1 tablespoon of cacao nibs.
  6. Allow this soak for at for at least 10 minutes to activate the cacao nibs.
  7. Blend all together for at least 60 seconds or until smooth.
  8. Allow to cool in the fridge or serve on ice.

Please the try this out and kindly leave your comments in the comment section of this post so I can know if you like it or not. 

HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

BaGrapCo Smoothie

Most of us look forward to Fridays because for most of us it is the last working day of the week.

Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 009

People involved in the #lifestylechange movement also look forward to Fridays, that is the day i cheat on my diet and treat myself to some sweet drinks and food which ordinarily i won’t have eaten during the week.

To kick-start the sweet therapy, i have made this smoothie just for you, i guarantee that you will love and enjoy it just as i did.

Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 009Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 010Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 015Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 013Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 014Black Grapes, Pineapple, Mint, Banana, Coconut Water 012



Banana (ripe & peeled) – ½

Black Grapes – 1 Cup

Pineapple- 1 Cup

Mint – 2-3 Sprigs

Lemon (juice squeezed) – ½

Coconut Water – 1½ Cups

Chia Seeds- 1 Tablespoon (optional) 

Steps to making your awesome BaGrapCo Smoothie.

  1. Make sure all the fruits are thoroughly washed, if you are not using frozen fruits.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice into the cup of your blender/blender/extractor/juicer.
  3. Add 1½ Cups of coconut water
  4. Add the black/red grapes
  5. Add the peeled banana and pineapple.
  6. Add the mint leaves sprigs.
  7. Add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds.
  8. Blend all together for at least 60 seconds or until smooth.
  9. Allow to cool in the fridge or serve on ice.

Please the try this out and kindly leave your comments in the comment section of this post so I can know if you like it or not. 

HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit #LifestyleChange

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

These Low-Carb Fruits Can Help You Lose Weight Fast | Eat This Not That

Whether you follow The South Beach Diet or Atkins, these low-carb fruits can aid rapid weight loss.

  1. Avocado
  2. Starfruit
  3. Blackberries
  4. Raspberries
  5. Strawberries
  6. Watermelon
  7. Peaches
  8. Cantaloupe

Source: These Low-Carb Fruits Can Help You Lose Weight Fast | Eat This Not That

Spice up your water to drink more.

Water is life, it is essential for our bodies to function properly and it is also a key to losing weight.

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I made this for the 5th day of my detox program. This is actually bitter since it is for detoxing my body.

You can drink more water by using natural flavours, like fruits, vegetables and herbs. Spice up your water, treat yourself and the family to a nice time

You can use any other fruits and vegetables you like, the goal is to get you to drink more water than you usually do.

Ice Cubes



HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

Secrets to Jump Starting Your Weight Loss – NutriLiving Articles

Source: Secrets to Jump Starting Your Weight Loss – NutriLiving Articles


  • Change your diet gradually. Many people jump right in and totally change their diet to the extreme. They go from the typical American diet, rich in processed foods, to a very restrictive diet. Any time you make sudden change in your diet and lifestyle, you highly increase your risk of failure. Make the change slowly. Instead of taking foods away, try adding healthy foods into your diet. You will begin to crowd out the harmful foods with healthy ones. Start by adding just one vegetable to your daily diet for 1 week. The next week, add another one and then on week 3, add an extra fruit. On week 4, add another vegetable to your daily diet. By week 4, you have increased your vegetable intake by 3 servings per day and fruit intake by 1 serving per day – and without any sacrifice! This really works if you apply it. The aim is to slowly replace processed and refined foods with healthy vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds and a small amount of whole grains daily.
  • Stop stressing about life and losing the weight. Because we make the process so complicated, we get overly stressed. Chronic stress causes our bodies to release higher amounts of cortisol everyday, which is a fat-building hormone. There is an association between stress and the appetite-increasing hormone ghrelin. If you have stress from work or home, you need to manage it or remove the source. Stress will make it almost impossible to lose weight. In addition, stress kills by increasing the risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances and gastric diseases.
  • Eat enough calories. Many people begin by drastically cutting food intake – calories – too much. If you go below 1200 calories for more than a few days, your body thinks it’s entered a famine and lowers your metabolic rate to conserve energy. You can even gain weight if you cut calories too much. If you stay in a severe calorie reduction (800 calories or less, similar to anorexia), you body shifts to the catabolic effect of starvation and your body will begin to consume muscle and organs for its nutrition needs. The fact is, if you eat a mostly plant-based diet, you would never need to worry about eating too many calories.
  • Do not skip meals! You need to eat at least 5 times per day. It keeps blood sugar balanced and energy available. It also keeps the metabolism boosted. A healthy, hearty Blast is an option and can serve your body well.
  • Keep a food journal. Studies show that people who keep a food journal for at least 3 months tend to lose weight and keep it off. It keeps you aware of what you’re eating, when and how much. It’s easy to do and there are several online resources with good free food journal systems. Try My Fitness Pal, Fat Secret or My Food Diary.
  • Drink plenty of water. Many people will not drink enough water. It takes water to release and burn fat for energy. Water is so important for your health! You need at least 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces daily. If you sweat a lot, you’ll need even more.
  • Exercise. If you are overweight or obese, you can lose weight for a short time by just cutting calories, however that will eventually slow and then stop. You must move more. Exercise does many wonderful things for our body. One benefit is that it speeds up our metabolic rate, causing us to burn more calories throughout the day! It builds muscles, improves balance and immune function and much more. Walking is a great exercise. Increase your speed and time as your fitness and health improves. I am an advocate of exercising multiple times per day. As an example; I would walk for 30 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes in the afternoon and 30 minutes before or after dinner. You can split it up however you wish, just do it! To lose weight, most of your exercise should be a form of cardio exercise, like walking or cycling. You should also do weight-bearing exercise to build more muscle. Muscles burn more fat. For good results, exercise at least 1 hour per day, 5 days per week. Before beginning any exercise program please consult with your doctor for their approval. Walk twice per day to speed up the weight loss!
  • Stop weighing everyday! Your weight can change, up or down five or more pounds on any given day. You will set yourself up for disappointment by weighing everyday. Weigh your self every two weeks. Do it first thing in the morning immediately after waking up and after your first pee.
  • Stop beating yourself up! No body is perfect. Treats are allowed, even unscheduled ones. If you have a treat, the next time you eat, make a healthy choice. Bashing yourself will make you eat more.
  • DO NOT DIET! It is our mindset to use the word diet and when we do, we automatically set our minds to believing that we will change our diet and lifestyle for a period of time and then come back home to that addictive food that got us fat to begin with. Plus, because you have starved your body (both calories and nutrients) in the past, your body senses this and begins to subconsciously increase your desire for fatty and sugary foods. Sure, you can lose 30 pounds, but then you gain 50 back. Dieting will only make you fatter, one diet at a time! Think lifestyle change!
  • Sleep is critical! If you are like most Americans you get less than 7 hours of sleep nightly. This can disrupt hormonal balances, reduce immune function and your energy levels, lower mental concentration and much more. When you sleep, your body is busy repairing tissues, making hormones, enzymes, red blood cells, white blood cells, antibodies, cellular antioxidants like Coenzyme -Q10, which is very important for energy production in the cell and heart health, and Glutathione peroxidase and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), which are your cells most powerful defenders from internal and foreign invaders and other neurotransmitters necessary for good mental and emotional health.
  • Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! When your body is getting loads of nutrients, it begins to clean and detox the body at the cellular level, getting rid of toxic materials you have stored for years. Your body does not like to let go of stored fat unless it can detox adequately, because your body stores many toxins in your fat. When depleted nutrient stores in your body get filled up and topped off by a nutrient-rich diet, the body’s systems begin to come back into harmony with one another. Blood sugar begins to balance, cravings begin to disappear, energy improves, thinking improves, your hair and skin begin to glow and you sleep better. With great nutrition, your body starts regenerating itself, cell by cell, into a new, healthy and vibrant body.




My Fruit Jar #HealthySnack

Choosing to live healthy involves a lot of creativity, in order to keep yourself inspired and keep your morale high.

I made this fruit jar snack ,as part of my food for the day and took it along to the office, so instead of being tempted to go for a chocolate bar , sausage or meat pie you can always keep this handy in your office or home fridge.

You can always fill as many jars as possible with different fruits you like and they don’t take a lot of time to make.

This also motivates others around you to embrace the healthy lifestyle.





HealthyLiving #HealthyEating #EatToLive #FitFam #EatFresh #StayFit

©All rights reserved David Kolawole 2015

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